Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The Lost Day - July 17th

When you travel to the other side of the world, day becomes nigha and night becomes day and you lose a day.

Our team all woke up early on July 16th to begin our taveling adventures, only to land in Beijing late in the afternnon on Jyuly 17th.  Just enough time to drop off luggage at the hotel and then attempt to keep your eyes open while eating your first dinner in China with your Guide.


<3  <3  <3

Day One - a stranger meets you in the airport.

She is you constant companion for the next 10 days or so.  She selects the food you eat.  Negotiates where you will sleep.  Translates a world of words you don't understand.  Keeps you safe.  Shares her life with you as you share yours with her.

Day Ten 9 you both weep inconsolably as you leave you newest BFF and dearest lifelong friend.

You can call that - Foreshadowing!

Back to our Friday night...

Luggage in our rooms and a little freshened up, off we trooped to dinner!  Delia led the way to a noodle restaurant.  Walking was a great way to stretch our legs and take in some of the sights along our way.

Hungry and thirsty, weary travelers were usherd to tables to await our dinner.  

I truly enjoy the adventure of eating in China!  So when our guide asked if anyone wanted spicy noodles, I happily volunteered. 

Gradually, dishes began to appear on our table.

These were just all the side dishes.  Our noodle bowls hadn't even arrived yet. 

And my spicy noodles too!

Delicious dinner!

Since I wasn't the only one snapping pictures with my camera, you get to enjoy this beautiful pic of Miranda and I slurping our noodles with the best of them.

With our tummies all full, it was time to march back to our hotel so we could all attempt to get a good night's sleep before we spent the next day touring Beijing.  (The touring part of the trip has a dual purpose.  It's wonderful to see the historic sites and learn more about Chinese history, but equally important is our need to flip our internal clock by spending an active day out in the sunshine, or rain clouds.)

So if you're ever in Beijing and looking for a great noodle shop, here's a look at the sign out front.

Walking back to our hotel at night allowed us to take in even more of the sites in this great city, as well as noting many of the cultural differences for many members of our team who had never visited China before.

 As we arrived back at our hotel, we stopped into a convenience stores right next door to purchase water and a few snacks.  Uhm...but not any of the wine in the background!  Miranda and I also decided to introduce this team to the "Try It Game" we had learned from our teammate, Gretchen, last year.  Buying something unexpected just to sample something new and different.

Off to bed we went, excited to finally be in China.  

Miranda and I both thought we might burst with the anticipation and expectation of being so much closer to the orphanage but still two days away from seeing the children and staff we love so dearly and have missed so greatly this past year.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

And They're Off - Thursday, July 16th

I gave up trying to post while in China!  Sorry, World!  It was just too much for my computer, VPN, and tired body to manage.  If you are a Facebook Friend, you might have followed along on the special group page our team set up for friends and family.

Now that I'm home and slightly recovered for jet lag, I plan to recap our trip by posting highlights from each day.  Then my passionate side will take over and I hope to pour out all the stories of these amazing children!

July 16th - The day I could hardly wait for and equally dreaded!

I made a pact with God on our return flight home from our first adoption in 2009.  I informed Him that I was NEVER EVER getting back on an airplane to fly to China!!!!  However, I was wise enough to add the disclaimer, "Unless it is Your will."


A second adoption trip and now two mission trips later, with another mission trip planned to return in November and even one for the summer of 2016...His will overrides my fear of flying for hours in a sardine can!  My oldest daughter Miranda will tell you truthfully that these flights just about kill me every time.  I can't stand sitting still for that long and struggle to sleep on airplanes.

Our team met together for the first time in the Chicago O'Hare Airport.  Uhm...I think this airport my qualify as my vacation home from all the time I've spent waiting for flights over the years?

Our team consisted of six tween/teenage girls and five adults, if you count my 19-year-old daughter as an adult.  She quickly discovered that she fell into that abyss of not quite a teen and not quite an adult.  Bummer.  At the orphanage, she will always be my daughter, which equals never an adult.  But she is beyond middle school and high school drama which made it difficult to fit in with 12 to 16 year old girls.  However, with her heart to serve and love on the children, age doesn't matter.

As our team gathered to wait for our flight, we exchanged some bracelets.  One of the girls had created a cross bracelet for everyone.  We had brought along enough "Pray for China" bracelets for everyone too.

Snacking on Subway sandwiches or playing card games (which became a little violent and caused injuries before we had even taken off) filled our time until we step on board that 747 to take us all half way around the world, and closer to the children we longed to love.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


I'm going back!  

Thursday morning I step on an airplane to fly back to see the kiddos and staff!

Hopefully, this year my internet will work better while I'm in country so that I can post here more frequently.  Thank you to all who have helped us with our fine raising efforts!  Thank you for all your prayers and support!

To help guide your prayers for our team:

Thursday 7/16 - Friday 7/17  -  Team flies to Beijing
Saturday 7/18  -  Touring in Beijing to reset our jet-lagged, internal clock to China time
Sunday 7/19  -  Fly to the city we will serve in for dinner with the director and his staff
Monday 7/20  -  Return to my heart's second home to the smiles, laughter, and mischievous, dancing eyes I've missed so much.

Tuesday 7/21 - Thursday 7/23  -  LOVE on the staff and children!
Friday 7/24  -  Say good-bye again.  Ugh!  My heart hurts already at the thought.  But this time, I will say good-bye knowing I will return with another team in November.  (Still a few openings for volunteers to join this Storyteller Missions team (Storyteller Missions November 2015 trip information).
Saturday 7/25  -  Leave to fly to Guangzhou
Sunday 7/26   -  Touring in Guangzhou.  Because we have several teenage adoptees returning to serve with this team, this trip includes an couple extra days to allow them to see more of their birth country  I'm already struggling with this extra time.  Last year, my heart was so shattered after we left the children that all I wanted to do was run home to my family.
Monday 7/27  -  Flight back to Beijing
Tuesday 7/28  -  Long day and long flights…Home Sweet Home!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Guest Post - 13-Year-Old Needs a Family

A recent Storyteller Missions team visited another Chinese orphanage and met a young man with one simple wish for a FAMILY!  At 13 years old, he only has months left before his 14th birthday will remove this hope he clings to.  Please read the words of one of the team members who longs to see his wish come true - 

Before you light your first sparkler of the weekend or cut that watermelon, I need to share with you about a boy I met a couple months ago.

I keep sitting here trying to think of clever ways to convince someone that this 13 year boy is more worthy of adopting than the thousands and thousands of others who are available. But I just can't. The fact is, EVERY child deserves a mom and dad. Every child deserves a home with parents cheering them on to find their dreams. Every child should have birthday cakes with candles and friends singing that familiar happy birthday song, year after year after year. EVERY child deserves this.

So what could I possibly say about this shy, 13 year old to help his God-chosen parents to take the step he needs before he ages out in just a few short months? Before we know it, we'll be returning to school, planning fall break vacations, celebrating Thanksgiving and picking out a tree... Meanwhile he waits, day after day after day, wondering if anyone might want to share those memories with him? Isn't he is worth family traditions and memories too? Hasn't life thrown him enough difficulties being deaf in a world that communicates so much with spoken words? I know he questions whether or not he's worth it. He told me so. 

We spent hours together one day. I spoke in English to his 17 year friend named "Star." She either wrote in Chinese to him, or tried to sign to him to understand my questions. He waited patiently. Patiently. How many 13 year old boys wait patiently to answer personal questions about themselves? Maybe that makes him special. I'm sure the fact that he loves    sports and video games and would rather be with friends than in school, doesn't make him any different.

I asked him what he wanted to be when he grows up and his friend said he just wants to be with a family. What 13 year old makes the need to be with his family a priority over being a basketball player or football super star? Maybe that sets him apart too. Most 13 year old kids are preoccupied with name brands and the latest technology, and I had to show him how to take a selfie. Maybe that sets him apart too.

Don't consider this boy because you feel sorry for him. Not at all. This boy is a champion. He lives in a home with hundreds of children and none of them know sign language. No, this boy is a supreme communicator. He's learned to get his needs met without screaming and sassing his care takers. I'm certain that sets him apart from most 13 year olds I know, too.

But I think what sets him apart most for me, if I want to get to the heart of the matter... wasn't that he is about to age out. It wasn't even that he is deaf. It was the inquisitive nature in his eyes that seemed to be asking me, "Will you find my mom?" As I spent those hours with him, drinking in his shyness, marveling at his patience, all other children around seemed to melt away, because I saw him as a son. He was made to be a son, not an orphan.

There IS a parent for him.

We need to find them. No perfect parent need apply. He told me he didn't need a perfect family. If you have room in your heart to love a 13 year old who dreams of family, loves sports and has beat the odds of communicating so much that he does well at school, we have found your son. He is waiting. And we have been praying that you would step forward to begin making those back-to-school, vacation, holiday, birthday memories with him.

Is it you? Are you ready to take him in? Are you the one we've been praying for? If so, please email Kelly at for the next step.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

One Month Away!!!!

July 16th, Miranda and I will step onto a plane to return to China!  

Final details for this team's travel arrangements are being sorted out.  Then our final payment for expenses will need to be paid in just of few days.

Since I'm not leading this team, I can honestly say that the responsibility burden feels a little lighter.  So the days counting down to departure are sneaking up on me just a bit.  I know there will be lots of little details and last minute things to finish at home, but I not feeling the anxiety I have with our past adoption trips or last year's first is it to the orphanage.  Luggage will get packed.  Flights will either be on time or not.  It will be hot and humid!  The journey will be filled with new challenges, adventures, friendships, and wonders.

My heart, however, just feels like it is going home, like our journey will take me back to a comfortable place filled with old friends.

I have a hard time imagining what our days will be like with so many of the children I loved and remember from last summer now at home with their families.  I will miss their smiles and laughter, but I rejoice in seeing photos of their bright faces now reflecting the love that fills their hearts.

I am anxious to see other children who have families waiting on paperwork before they can travel to meet their children!  Love being able to share photos, videos, and stories with families!  Especially since I remember how much we treasured all the information we received before our little girls  came home.

Seeing the children who will never go home to families and the staff who care for these children every day…Oh how wonderful!!!  I can hardly wait to see the face of my dance partner to whom I promised I would return!

Thank you to everyone who has supported our efforts to love on these children!

We also appreciate your continued prayers for us along every step of this journey!

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Sunday Morning Worship and PRAISES!!!

252 FUNdraiser photo
LOVE walking into church this morning to lead elementary large group worship with my teens and have them hand me an envelope containing a donation for our Storyteller Missions trip!!!  The dollar amount was the same as another donation we had received, so we got a little creative with our math to remove two more spaces on our 252 FUNdraiser picture!

Special day in Kids Worship!  Three of my kids together leading worship on stage!  The returning college pro, the super cool high school dude in development, and the up & coming, middle schooler-to-be, in-training.  

Loved the song!  Love its message!  And especially love it when I sing to the Lord with all my heart and the song is my heart's cry, "...Where you go, I'll go...Whom you love, I'll love...How you serve, I'll serve...I will follow you..."  

6 1/2 years ago I made a deal with God during the LONG 14-hour flight returning home after completing our first adoption.  Wrestling a wildly kicking and screaming 6 year old who had awakened all the passengers and dumped a cup of water on the lady sitting next to me, I vowed to NEVER EVER again fly to China!!!!!


(I had been following God long enough to have the wisdom to add a disclaimer) is Your will, God.

God has such a sense of humor!  And He and I just love laughing together sooooooo much!  Or He just likes laughing at all my nonsense.  Another adoption...ONE, and only a one-time, mission trip to China...which has turned into two planned for 2015...and another penciled in for summer 2016.  

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 
"Whom shall I send?  And who will go for us?"
And I said, "Here am I.  Send me."
Isaiah 6:8

Friday, May 29, 2015

WHAT A DAY!!! (or Technological Spiritual Warfare)

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
Romans 8:28

If you've never adopted from or travled to China before, you may not be aware that it takes more than just a passport and a plane ticket to actually get to China.

Chinese citizens traveling to the U.S. and United States citizens traveling to China are required to have a VISA which allows entry into each country.


A small, little, four-letter word.
Simple enough, right?


It's a government document.  
(Translation = $$$ + paperwork)

Today, I couldn't even tell you how much my visa will cost. Or how much it will cost me to pay a courrier to walk my paperwork into the Chinese Embassy and stand in line for me so that I can receive a beautiful sticker in my passport that will allow me to travel to China, again. (I really do love looking at my visa stickers.  It always makes my heart happy.)

Today is all about PAPERWORK!!!!  

Well, paperwork, and paper, and computers, and printers, and...okay, I'll start closer to the beginning...

This has been our first week of Summer Break.  Nobody has Summer School!  Nobody has any Camps!  Nobody really had anything to do, so we haven't done much all week.

(Unless you count the bird in the house yesterday and Animal Control coming to get it out of the house but not the rest of the nest of birds living in the attic because that is not their job which would be why I didn't work on this visa paperwork yesterday.)

So I have been that Bad Mom who has let my kids sleep until noon most days this week and stay up late almost every night.  It has felt so GOOD!

Today, I planned to get them up out of bed!  Maybe around 10:00am?  We would accomplish something today!  And then we'd have fun doing "B Day" activities!  (A to Z Summer Fun by Catherine Baker)  But I REALLY needed to finish the visa application paperwork for Miranda and I for the July Storyteller Mission trip the kids could sleep in a bit longer while I worked on it because it wouldn't take too long to type in a few blanks, make some copies, and have it all ready to mail...


In the quiet and calm of the morning, I tiptoed downstairs to find our passports in the fireproof box where we keep them safe.  I tried the first key...I tried the second key...I tried the third key...repeat because there are only three keys.  Finally got the correct key to work!

I settled into my comfy computer chair and started to work.  Pulling up emails, downloading documents, printing out samples to have on hand as a guide, and GO!  Typing in answers to fill in all the blanks as my sweet children began to slowly awaken one by one.  Wisdom said, "Save that document!  Just in case you need to make a correction later."  And then I printed out my copy and started to enter Miranda's information to the melodious sounds of my printer.  Ahhhh...

But, wait...

Upon reviewing the copy of my application, I discover that my birthdate has been changed!  The year jumped ahead but zeroed out the month and day.  How odd?

No problem!  I saved it!  Remember?

Open the file...blank...completely blank???


Print out Miranda's application and start over!  But everytime I enter the birthdate, it changes to that totally weird, doesn't exisit day.


So my very helpful China Missions Coordinator friend sends me another version of the form.  That should solve the problem!

It doesn't...

Try another computer!

So I leave behind my desktop PC and try the MacBook in my bedroom.  Mr. Mac declares that it won't open the form unless I download a new font.  So, I do.  Still he refuses to recognize the font he demanded.


When you send a child off to college, and they return home with the computer you provided for their education, you should be able to demand that it cooperate and help complete a simple visa application form.  Except, it refused to play fair...

Black Screen of protest

(at which point I did remind my college girl that this had nothing to do with her computer and everything to do with stopping us from getting these visas to go to China.)

I am not about to give up now!  Downstairs to the kids homework computer!  Except, I have to ask them to remind me what the password is to get on this computer.  Re-enter all my information...and print...but which printer is currently playing nicely with this computer????

(I may have screamed into a pillow more than once by now.  And maybe just screamed without a pillow too.)

Did I mention yet, that in the midst of all this, my kids were trying to make themselves breakfast?  But everytime they used the microwave, the internet crashes!  So I might have banned microwave use temporarily...EAT FRUIT INSTEAD!...for now?

So, I'm running up and down the stairs tweaking two applications, because everytime I think they are correct, we find a new error!  We are now at the point where I'm misspelling "Son"..."Sone"!  I can't even remember how to spell my daughter's name!  And she had to remind me that she is "Single" and not "Married".  And I may have entered "Wade" as my maiden name, once.

I try scanning my paperwork so I can have it reviewed by the coordinator...and the scanner eats one page!!!  Both printers run out of paper!  But I can't figure out how to load paper into one of them..."BOYS!  HELP your poor mother!"

The T.M.I. part...I'm still in my PJs and haven't eaten a bite or even had a sip of juice or tea (Yuck!  Don't touch coffee!  Not grown up enough for that stuff.)  

Hours and hours are ticking away on the clock...I have finally finished and sent the last copies to my dear coordinator, even attached our passport-size approved photos, with staples...alas...she has a life and left her computer screen briefly.  (Run away!  Run far, far away!)

While I'm patiently awaiting final approval, I requested that my dear, sweet, firstborn son, who works in his dad's office, bring home a FedEx envelope and mailing label for me on his way home from work.  I just wasn't feeling like I needed to drag my whole crew up to Daddy's office today.  Especially since I'm still in those PJs!!!  But I will be taking my shower now...

Upon her return...did you know that the pictures are supposed to be TAPED to the form and NOT stapled?!?!?

I didn't...

Print new copies of the first page, while thanking God that we had the wisdom to get multiple copies of thoses silly, little, ugly pictures from Walgreens that long miserable Sunday afternoon with grumpy hungry children following church.  Find the secret stash of double-sided tape and proudly afix the un-stapled extra in place.  I even sent an extra text to let the coordinator know just how pretty my paper was going to look.  No silly extra tape showing on these applications that I've worked so hard on all day long!

Did I get the email about the tape?
It must be on the top edge and bottom edge of the photo or the Chinese Embassy will reject the applications?!?!?



They want to see the tape on the pictures?!?

So I stop writing the address on the FedEx packing label, to begin my search for regular Scotch tape.  Ah!  The dispenser is empty and needs to be filled.

(You can't be surprised by this now.)  

But by now I'm panicking about how exactly to tape the pictures onto the application form.  I did NOT want to send any more texts or emails to my coordinator!  So I decided that it couldn't be that hard to find instructions if I just Googled how to attach your picture to a Chinese visa application.


Nothing I'm finding says exactly HOW you are supposed to attach the picture.  I've poured through all my emails and can't find the magic one with the instructions.  Back to the Google search list until I stumble upon the Chinese Embassy's instructions for submitting your visa application.  Still nothing...

...BUT... talks about what to do if you had a visa in an old passport book but needed to get a new passport book and are submitting it for a new visa...something about including a copy of the old visa page or possibly being rejected.

Miranda has a brand new passport because her previous passport would have expired in December 2015.  You are not allowed to travel to China on a passport that will expire in under six months (might have recently be increased to one year?).  So we had already gotten her a brand new grown up girl passport good for the next 10 years (unless she does something crazy, like get married during that time period, but that would be LONG range plans...VERY FAR in the future).

Given the day I've had so far...I stopped and just thanked the midst of all this hassle and panic and insanity...with every twist and turn, and hurdle, and roadblock, and frustration...God was directing my steps along the way...

I double and triple checked the address I was writing on that FedEx label and then was ready to put it in the plastic pocket on the envelope...

Oh!  But look!  

It has instructions for removing the protective backing so you can just stick it on your package!  That's new, since I was mailing lots of adoption paperwork in 2010.  Wonder how you get it in the plastic pocket after you expose the sticker?

You don't...

Nearest staffed, FedEx location...20 minute drive away!
Last pick up time on Friday night...6:30pm!
Time check...5:55pm!!!!

I don't care that you are still in your footie PJs!
I don't care that the ground is wet from rain!
I don't care if you have on your shoes!
I don't care that you are 16-years-old!
Why do you think I don't care what your sisters look like?

Leave the 16-year-old in the car with the mixed up mess I call my family, and dash through the glass fill out more paperwork!  Check, double check, and triple check those addresses before handing over the cash to launch my entire day's work into the wonderful world of FedEx package tracking.


In and out and on our way home with 15 minutes to spare!

Home to order Chinese delivery for dinner so we can watch "The Spy Next Door" before I spend my late night folding towels to the new "Karate Kid".

So if you've made it this far, I hope you didn't miss it?

GOD is soooooo GOOD!

Even giving me that extra time in the car with my kids.  Time to apologize for my short fuse today.  Time to praise Him!  Time to tell my kids the story of my day and how God showed up BIG in the midst of the mess to once again direct my path, in spite of me.  Time to remind them once again that even though I'm XX years old, have traveled through two adoptions, followed Him to China last year on a mission trip, I still forget to trust Him and believe that He's got all the details under control, especially when I feel so out of control.  Extra time to remind them of a similarly crazy day and chain of events while preparing our dossier for our last adoption and how a series of frustions actually saved us being delayed by at least one month while waiting to bring our youngest daughter home.

God's perfect timing never quite looks what my perfectly color-coded plans do, but He is always right on time.

More than anything, I am reminded today of just how precious and how priceless the lives of the children and staff we will travel to visit once again are to my heavenly Father.

These sweethearts are so worth it!

Looking back at the photos from 2014, I long to return to the children who are still waiting.  Scrolling through Facebook and seeing smiles, laughter, siblings, long hair, round cheeks, families, and LOVE...I am again reminded of just how important that little visa sticker will be to the work God has planned.

Here am I, LORD!
Send me!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Surpise Blessing!


Checking on mission trip details and discovered another special donation directly to our Storyteller Missions trip account!  Just had to add it to our 252 FUNdraiser picture!

Happy/Sad July 2015 Trip Update

Our dream of the whole Wade World family going with the July 2015 team will not be a reality this summer.  However, Miranda and I will return with this team!  

Our middle daughter will join me with the November team when I return this fall with another Storyteller Missions team!

And the family will continue to hope, plan, dream, and fundraise towards the goal of all joining the summer 2016 team!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

3 Minutes - Sharing Our Story

3 minutes!

Today we had the wonderful opportunity to share with our church family about our Storyteller Mission trip in July 2014 to China and our heart to continue serving in 2015 and beyond!!! only 3 minutes

So hard to condense all that my heart wants to share into such a short amount of time, but such a HUGE blessing!  Loved getting to talk more with people between services.

Also so amazing the individuals who gave donations to help support our efforts to continue loving on these precious kiddos in China!!
More spaces on our 252 FUNdraiser picture have been erased!  So excited to see this image unfold and impatient to share with y'all why I chose this picture!

Thought I'd list all our fundrasing links in one place again.

1.  You can donate directly to our trip account with Storyteller Missions by adding a note to your donation about "Wade family" and "July 2015" -

2. Visit our TO CHINA WITH LOVE Etsy Shop -

3. Visit our TO CHINA WITH LOVE MISSION TRIP Facebook page where Compelled Designs jewlery, pearl necklaces, and Simply Sheets items are available -

4. Donations also accepted on our TO CHINA WITH LOVE 2015 Go Fund Me page -

It has been a hard week as we have had to make the difficult decisions about which family members we can afford to send with the July 2015 team.  Our dream of the whole family traveling this year does not seem to be God's plan for us as we just don't have the finances available as we had hoped.  Airline tickets must be purchased this week.  Right now, it appears that only Miranda and I will be returning.  So hard since I had hoped to see my sons playing with all the boys I love in China.  However, I will hold fast to this precious dream as we continue to return to this orphanage.

This morning was just so exciting to share our stories, our hearts, and our love for these children with so many people!  Knowing that we have so many more praying for our team!  And standing back to watch all God is doing and has planned for the future!

to all who donated today!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

No Words

I don't have the words to express my heart today.  All I know to do is to  ask is for your prayers for the fields of the fatherless...and ask for your financial help to return to China in July.

Our first due date for funds is rapidly approaching on  May 21st.  We have been wrestling with the questions of who among our family members should go if we can only send one or two, or if anyone can go.  But as my heart is breaking today, I'm even more convinced of the need for the members of our family to go love on these children.

Please PRAY!  Please give what you can, if you can?  And please share our story and heart for these children so we can step into their story.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Small Beginnings = GREAT REJOICING!

"Do not despise thes small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin..." 
Zechariah 4:10 NLT

Can you see it?  
Do you see our SMALL BEGINNING on our 252 FUNdraiser?

Heavy on all of our hearts and minds right now our Wade World future as part of the Storyteller Missions team to China in July.  Seeking to know God's will as we continue to pursue the finances needed if we are to travel with this team to serve and love on the children and staff in an orphanage in China.  The internal and emotional conflict of feeling torn is two directions.

This morning, in the midst of preparing for the last week of college classes followed by finals and packing to return home, Miranda requested prayer support while at church today.

And someone responded with a donation!


Let's get this party started! read that right...$6.  Someone dug into their pockets and offered what they felt called to give to help orphaned children in an orphanage in China know love.  Like the widow's two small copper coins (Mark 12:41-44 and Luke 21:1-4), this gift is HUGE!  No, it's not $60, or $600, or $6,000 or more, but this $6 donation represents a heart willing to give all they can to God, knowing that for our Big Daddy God, who owns the cattle on a thousand hill, created heaven and earth, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!

"Jesus replied, 'What is impossible with man is possible with God."
Luke 18:27

Nope! In man's economy, $6 will not get you to China.  In God's economy?????

Please continue to pray
* for our family
* for this Storyteller Missions team serving July 16-28
* for God's will and His provision
* for the lives that will be touched through these volunteers who have responded, "Yes, Lord, send me!"

and please share with others our story, our passion and desire to be love to children in China, and ways to help us see the reality of this dream...To China With Love Missions Trip Fundraising

Friday, May 1, 2015

252 FUNdraiser

Do you love a mystery?  

Do you love secrets?

Do you love solving a puzzle?

Then you are gonna love this one!!!  

the To China With Love Mission Trip - 252 FUNdraiser

Behind the numbers hides a picture.
What could it be?
Can you help uncover the secret?
"And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man."  Luke 2:52

We are asking for your financial assistance and prayerful support. These precious children are growing physically each day but in an institution without the nurture, support, and love of a family and without the knowledge of the God who loves them.
Our children long to love on these kids through laughter and play and share with the staff the hope and future they could have at home with an adoptive family. My husband Christopher and our sons Josiah and Elijah can have a significant impact on so many children's lives just because they are guys! Men on missions trips like this are so few.
So, here's the fun part - Pick a dollar amount from our hidden picture to donate. For each donation amount given, the number will be removed and part of our picture revealed.
How to give?
1. Donate through our Go Fund Me page - To China With Love 2015
2. For a tax deductible donation, you can give directly to our Storyteller Missions trip accounts by using the following link and adding one of our names and "China July 2015" - Storyteller Missions Donation
3. Track us down if you want to put cash in our hands
4. You could write a check.
5. Send a donation through PayPal (but I would think it would be just as easy to use option #1 or option #2 if you were doing this online)
Let the FUN begin!!!

This is now torturing my children!  Because I'm the only one who knows what the picture is.  Not even my hubby knows.  

Our July 2015 team "met" for our first cyber, conference call last night.  So exciting to come together and start planning for our time in China with the children!  But the reality of financial deadlines and dollar amounts is totally terrifying!  

Just a little over two weeks before plane tickets must be purchased!!!

We have so many fundraising projects going to try to help our family continue serving and loving on these precious children!

Our Etsy Store - To China With Love Etsy Shop
Chinese Ink Paintings like the ones we created with the children at the orphanage

Canvas Paintings

Rustic Wooden Wall Art

A Facebook Page with other exciting items like stands of pearls, pearl pendant necklaces, and pottery necklaces and bracelets - To China With Love Facebook

Specially Designed T-shirts in adult and child sizes - To China With Love T-shirts

Thank you for your prayerful support!