I'm going back!
Thursday morning I step on an airplane to fly back to see the kiddos and staff!
Hopefully, this year my internet will work better while I'm in country so that I can post here more frequently. Thank you to all who have helped us with our fine raising efforts! Thank you for all your prayers and support!
To help guide your prayers for our team:
Thursday 7/16 - Friday 7/17 - Team flies to Beijing
Saturday 7/18 - Touring in Beijing to reset our jet-lagged, internal clock to China time
Sunday 7/19 - Fly to the city we will serve in for dinner with the director and his staff
Monday 7/20 - Return to my heart's second home to the smiles, laughter, and mischievous, dancing eyes I've missed so much.
Tuesday 7/21 - Thursday 7/23 - LOVE on the staff and children!
Friday 7/24 - Say good-bye again. Ugh! My heart hurts already at the thought. But this time, I will say good-bye knowing I will return with another team in November. (Still a few openings for volunteers to join this Storyteller Missions team (Storyteller Missions November 2015 trip information).
Saturday 7/25 - Leave to fly to Guangzhou
Sunday 7/26 - Touring in Guangzhou. Because we have several teenage adoptees returning to serve with this team, this trip includes an couple extra days to allow them to see more of their birth country I'm already struggling with this extra time. Last year, my heart was so shattered after we left the children that all I wanted to do was run home to my family.
Monday 7/27 - Flight back to Beijing
Tuesday 7/28 - Long day and long flights…Home Sweet Home!
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