Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The Lost Day - July 17th

When you travel to the other side of the world, day becomes nigha and night becomes day and you lose a day.

Our team all woke up early on July 16th to begin our taveling adventures, only to land in Beijing late in the afternnon on Jyuly 17th.  Just enough time to drop off luggage at the hotel and then attempt to keep your eyes open while eating your first dinner in China with your Guide.


<3  <3  <3

Day One - a stranger meets you in the airport.

She is you constant companion for the next 10 days or so.  She selects the food you eat.  Negotiates where you will sleep.  Translates a world of words you don't understand.  Keeps you safe.  Shares her life with you as you share yours with her.

Day Ten 9 you both weep inconsolably as you leave you newest BFF and dearest lifelong friend.

You can call that - Foreshadowing!

Back to our Friday night...

Luggage in our rooms and a little freshened up, off we trooped to dinner!  Delia led the way to a noodle restaurant.  Walking was a great way to stretch our legs and take in some of the sights along our way.

Hungry and thirsty, weary travelers were usherd to tables to await our dinner.  

I truly enjoy the adventure of eating in China!  So when our guide asked if anyone wanted spicy noodles, I happily volunteered. 

Gradually, dishes began to appear on our table.

These were just all the side dishes.  Our noodle bowls hadn't even arrived yet. 

And my spicy noodles too!

Delicious dinner!

Since I wasn't the only one snapping pictures with my camera, you get to enjoy this beautiful pic of Miranda and I slurping our noodles with the best of them.

With our tummies all full, it was time to march back to our hotel so we could all attempt to get a good night's sleep before we spent the next day touring Beijing.  (The touring part of the trip has a dual purpose.  It's wonderful to see the historic sites and learn more about Chinese history, but equally important is our need to flip our internal clock by spending an active day out in the sunshine, or rain clouds.)

So if you're ever in Beijing and looking for a great noodle shop, here's a look at the sign out front.

Walking back to our hotel at night allowed us to take in even more of the sites in this great city, as well as noting many of the cultural differences for many members of our team who had never visited China before.

 As we arrived back at our hotel, we stopped into a convenience stores right next door to purchase water and a few snacks.  Uhm...but not any of the wine in the background!  Miranda and I also decided to introduce this team to the "Try It Game" we had learned from our teammate, Gretchen, last year.  Buying something unexpected just to sample something new and different.

Off to bed we went, excited to finally be in China.  

Miranda and I both thought we might burst with the anticipation and expectation of being so much closer to the orphanage but still two days away from seeing the children and staff we love so dearly and have missed so greatly this past year.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

And They're Off - Thursday, July 16th

I gave up trying to post while in China!  Sorry, World!  It was just too much for my computer, VPN, and tired body to manage.  If you are a Facebook Friend, you might have followed along on the special group page our team set up for friends and family.

Now that I'm home and slightly recovered for jet lag, I plan to recap our trip by posting highlights from each day.  Then my passionate side will take over and I hope to pour out all the stories of these amazing children!

July 16th - The day I could hardly wait for and equally dreaded!

I made a pact with God on our return flight home from our first adoption in 2009.  I informed Him that I was NEVER EVER getting back on an airplane to fly to China!!!!  However, I was wise enough to add the disclaimer, "Unless it is Your will."


A second adoption trip and now two mission trips later, with another mission trip planned to return in November and even one for the summer of 2016...His will overrides my fear of flying for hours in a sardine can!  My oldest daughter Miranda will tell you truthfully that these flights just about kill me every time.  I can't stand sitting still for that long and struggle to sleep on airplanes.

Our team met together for the first time in the Chicago O'Hare Airport.  Uhm...I think this airport my qualify as my vacation home from all the time I've spent waiting for flights over the years?

Our team consisted of six tween/teenage girls and five adults, if you count my 19-year-old daughter as an adult.  She quickly discovered that she fell into that abyss of not quite a teen and not quite an adult.  Bummer.  At the orphanage, she will always be my daughter, which equals never an adult.  But she is beyond middle school and high school drama which made it difficult to fit in with 12 to 16 year old girls.  However, with her heart to serve and love on the children, age doesn't matter.

As our team gathered to wait for our flight, we exchanged some bracelets.  One of the girls had created a cross bracelet for everyone.  We had brought along enough "Pray for China" bracelets for everyone too.

Snacking on Subway sandwiches or playing card games (which became a little violent and caused injuries before we had even taken off) filled our time until we step on board that 747 to take us all half way around the world, and closer to the children we longed to love.