Sunday, May 3, 2015

Small Beginnings = GREAT REJOICING!

"Do not despise thes small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin..." 
Zechariah 4:10 NLT

Can you see it?  
Do you see our SMALL BEGINNING on our 252 FUNdraiser?

Heavy on all of our hearts and minds right now our Wade World future as part of the Storyteller Missions team to China in July.  Seeking to know God's will as we continue to pursue the finances needed if we are to travel with this team to serve and love on the children and staff in an orphanage in China.  The internal and emotional conflict of feeling torn is two directions.

This morning, in the midst of preparing for the last week of college classes followed by finals and packing to return home, Miranda requested prayer support while at church today.

And someone responded with a donation!


Let's get this party started! read that right...$6.  Someone dug into their pockets and offered what they felt called to give to help orphaned children in an orphanage in China know love.  Like the widow's two small copper coins (Mark 12:41-44 and Luke 21:1-4), this gift is HUGE!  No, it's not $60, or $600, or $6,000 or more, but this $6 donation represents a heart willing to give all they can to God, knowing that for our Big Daddy God, who owns the cattle on a thousand hill, created heaven and earth, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!

"Jesus replied, 'What is impossible with man is possible with God."
Luke 18:27

Nope! In man's economy, $6 will not get you to China.  In God's economy?????

Please continue to pray
* for our family
* for this Storyteller Missions team serving July 16-28
* for God's will and His provision
* for the lives that will be touched through these volunteers who have responded, "Yes, Lord, send me!"

and please share with others our story, our passion and desire to be love to children in China, and ways to help us see the reality of this dream...To China With Love Missions Trip Fundraising

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