Monday, July 21, 2014

Seen by the Unseen One

Computer and technology issues plagued me during our time in China.  Photos on my phone couldn't be paired with photos from my camera.  Photos on my camera wouldn't upload to my computer.  If and when I could get them uploaded, then I couldn't post to my blog.  My VPN worked great!  On my phone if I was just reading everyone's Facebook posts, but as soon as I tried to post or use it as a hot spot for my computer, it would crash.  I NEVER got my VPN to work on my computer.  Oh!  And then my phone service provider decided that I had used too much international data on my international data plan and shut off my phone!  It was just CRAZY!!!

Now that I'm home, I thought I'd start posting and writing about our trip.  Surely now that we are not IN CHINA, everything should work just fine...WRONG!!!  Our internet at home crashed today.  When my sweet hubby called to see what was going on, even the service provider folks were scratching their heads.  Randomly, their computer system just decided to switch us from our normal, super fast, internet plan to the bargain basement, you got nothing plan.  SERIOUSLY!  They have no idea what happened???

Gotta tell y'all, whatever it is that I want to share, whatever this message God has laid on my heart, whatever stories from the lives of these children I long to tell might be, the enemy is working overtime to stop.

So I thought I'd just start with a child from whom I have no video clips...nothing but her story to tell...

On Monday, our first day at the Children's Welfare House, our team of four was divided into two groups to go help feed the babies.  Jason and Gretchen stayed in one room on the second floor.  Miranda and I journeyed upstairs to the third floor. 

Our "babies" were mostly one and two year old children.  In the US, this age child might already be feeding themselves and eating Cheerios or Gerber Puffs.  In an orphanage setting, it is just easier, quicker, faster, and cleaner to place all these little ones in strollers and shovel in spoonfuls of rice porridge from bowls larger than I think I could possibly eat myself.

Miranda sat down only to discover that her mother did not provide her with a complete education.  I failed at basic "How To Feed A Baby 101"!  All the tips and tricks that mamas learn from hundreds of spoons of goop!  Wipe the bottom of the spoon before offering it to the baby.  Use the spoon to catch any dribbles and keep the face clean.  Make silly sounds and open your mouth wide to encourage the baby to do the same.  Yep!  Epic fail on my part!

Later, Miranda also shared with me an extra challenge she had.  Her baby was BLIND!  Miranda learned from one of the nannies that she had to get the spoon right to her lips before she would open her mouth, but by then the Sweet Baby Girl was soooooo mad that she wasn't being fed fast enough that she was DONE with Miranda.  Added to the difficulty level, this Sweet Baby Girl also HATES strangers!  She won't let anyone touch her that she doesn't know and is even picky with the staff about who can and cannot touch her.


The next day Miranda happily switched babies with me.  Even after my late night "How To" coaching lessons, she was just more comfortable feed another little sweetheart.  Plus I was excited to see if this one would let me feed her!

I know very little Chinese.  But of the few words and phrases I've learned, I can say a few important ones.  I've teased Keziah since she came home by cradling her in my arms and cooing "Shao baobei."  Translation - a term of endearment for a baby; sweetheart; sweet little treasure.  Some days she loves being babied.  Some days it's just silliness and fun.

We laugh at our house because Christopher and I both tried to learn some more Chinese before traveling to bring Peiwu home using Rosetta Stone software.  Christopher only remembers one phrase, "They are eating food."  Perfect for Peiwu!!!  Because all she wanted to do was "eat food."  Baba said, "chi fan," and she was happy! 

So what do you think I babbled to my Sweet Little Princess while I was feeding her?

"Shao baobei...Chi fan...Chi fan?"

Mix in plenty of yummy sounds and bringing the spoon right up under her nose so she could smell and feel the rice close to her mouth and I was super successful!

Score 1 for the Mom!

After my Sweet Baby Girl, we had some extra time.  The nannies allowed us to take the children out of their strollers to snuggle, cuddle, and play with them.  I decided to give it a try.  She had let me feed her.  Would she let me hold her?!?!?

Lifting her up and holding her tightly, I continued to babble "Shao Baobei," to my Sweet Baby Girl.  She was stiff and struggled against me at times but soon relaxed in my arms as long I held her firmly.  If I moved the wrong way, she would startle because she didn't feel safe. 

Our primary guide during our days at the orphanage entered the room to collect us for lunch and stopped, shock etched on her face.  She came over to me telling me that Sweet Baby Girl was blind.  I nodded that I already knew.  She continued to explain to me that she did NOT like strangers.  Yes, I knew that too.  She shared with me a story about my strong-willed Sweet Baby Girl even refusing to let her hold her one day.  Her face softened as she began to praise me for being a "very good mama."

Each time we would feed our babies, I choose to feed my Sweet Baby Girl.  Each time we played with them after feedings, she would let me hold her, sway back and forth so the breeze took hold of her dark locks of hair, swoosh her down to the floor and lift her back up safe in my arms.  She walked around the room holding my finger for guidance and safety.  On our last day together, she even fussed at me until I retrieved her blankie so she could snuggle with it on my shoulder.

In my arms, I whispered her name as I whispered prayers in my heart for her.  In her ears, I told her of my love for her, "Wo ai ni, Shao Baobei!" and told her of One who loves her more.  Showering her with kisses in her soft baby hair, I reminded us both that she is seen by the Unseen One.

I have no pictures of my Sweet Baby Girl.  I can not show you her smile.  You can not hear her sweet laughter.  She lives behind walls far, far away.  But she is one of the many precious treasure with whom I spent my days in China.  She is unseen and unseeing...but she is seen by the One who loves her more than any other.  He declares her His Priceless Princess! 

My Sweet Baby Girl is one of the many children around the globe in need of homes and families to shower them with love.  I was called to hold her in my arms for just a few short love on her with allow my heart to be broken into I can share her story and the stories of all the other children in need of someone to answer God's call, His whispers to your heart to open your heart and see the unseen....

*****  UPDATE  *****

AWAA has added to their Waiting Child Listing "JOY" - the Priceless Little Princess whose story I shared with you! 
"Joy is designated by the CCCWA as a special focus file and is from one of our agency’s orphanage partnerships. A family at any stage of the process is eligible to review this file."
"Joy" is paper ready and waiting to come home! 
Those who have requested and received the password to view AWAA's Waiting Child List can see photos and video clips of "Joy," see her smile and hear her laughter.  Of all the names given to these waiting children, I love hers most of all because she is truly a JOY!

1 comment:

  1. What love and what a wonderful description of this sweet little one!
